Dr Steve (Stephen) Hansen
Dr Steve (Stephen) Hansen – Clinical Psychologist BSc, DipEd, MA(Maths), PhD, GradDipPsySt(Distinction), BA(Hons)Psy(1st class), MClinPsych, MAPS, FCCLP
Master of Clinical Psychology, Macquarie University, 2016
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology- 1st Class Honours, University Medal, University Western Sydney, 2010
Graduate Diploma in Psychological Studies –with Distinction and Dean’s Medal, UWS, 2009
PhD (Science-Computing), University of Western Sydney, 2006
Certificate of Attainment in Outreach Access, NSW TAFE, 2003 (School Mentoring)
MA (Pure Maths), University of Sydney, 1984
Dip Ed, University of Sydney, 1973
BSc (Physics), University of Sydney, 1972
Professional Qualifications (Psychology-related)
Allied Health Professional Regulation Agency (AHPRA): Clinical Psychologist with general registration (PSY0001713795)
Member (trained EMDR practitioner) of EMDR Association of Australia (EMDRAA) http://emdraa.org/
MAPS (Member of Australian Psychological Society), FCCLP (Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists)
AHPRA-board approved Supervisor and Registrar Program Principal Supervisor – Clinical Psychology
Awards (Psychology related)
Dean’s Medal, Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies, University of Western Sydney, 2009
First Class Honours and University Medal in Psychology, University of Western Sydney, 2010
Selected Community Activities
Volunteer- Anxiety Support Group Faciliter (Mental Health Association) – Windsor 2014 – 2015
Volunteer- Lifeline telephone crisis support 2011-2013
Appointed- Australian Computer Society’s International Representative on TC14 Committee for Entertainment Computing, 2008-2009
Appointed- Member on International Scientific Committee of Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, 2008-2009
Volunteer- Plan-It-Youth High School Mentoring (1-1 mentoring of one year for each student), 2003-2005
Previous Positions held
University of Western Sydney, 1988-2009
– Associate Professor, 2000-2009
Besides academic research and teaching
Grievance Advisor
Indigenous Student Advisor
External consultant for the Indigenous Education National Guidelines project (Gov funded project)
External consultant for the Indigenous Online Network (Aboriginal Research Institute, S.A)
Teacher and Acting Head Teacher, Post Trades, Industrial Electronics, NSW TAFE, 1980-1988
Director/Design Engineer of B&S MicroApplications Pty Ltd - 1976-1980
-Design of hardware and software microprocessor systems and providing microprocessor education courses for technicians
Publications (Psychology, human interactions & medical-related)
Kayrouz, R. & Hansen, S. (2019). I don’t believe in miracles: Using the Ecological Validity Model to adapt the Miracle Question to match the client’s cultural preferences and characteristics. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/pro0000283.
Hansen, S., Kangas, M., & Kirsten, L. (2016). A validated e-tablet based brief screening tool for psychological distress and fatigue in haematology patients. Paper presented at the ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY.
Stevens, C. J., Schubert, E., Morris, R. H., Frear, M., Chen, J., Healey, S., . . . Hansen, S. (2009). Cognition and the temporal arts: Investigating audience response to dance using PDAs that record continuous data during live performance. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67(9), 800-813.
Aouf M, Liyanage L, Hansen S, 2008, Critical Review of Data Mining Techniques for Gene Expression Analysis, 2008 Fourth International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, pp 367-371
Hansen S, Griffith S, Ademagic M, Armitage C, Faulkner T, Gavrilovic N, Lock L, +6 Students , 2008, Collaboration Opportunities in Second Life:- Collective Experiences, 2008 Fourth International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, pp 114-119
Hansen S, 2008, Virtual Worlds: Synopsis of User Interfaces and Accessibility Initiatives , 14th Australasian World Wide Web Conference (AUSWEB 2008), pp 39-47
Aouf M, Hansen S, Liyanage L, 2008, Review of Data Mining Clustering Techniques to Analyze Data with High Dimensionality as Applied in Gene Expression DATA, International Conference on Service Support and Serive Managament 2008 (ICSSM’08), pp 691-695
Bajaj K, Hansen S, 2008, Social Effects of Phishing on E-Commerce , Iadis International Conference Web Based Communities 2008, pp 215-219
Griffith S, Liyanage L, Hansen S, 2008, Virtual Worlds: Membership Structures of Internet Social Networks, Iadis International Conference Web Based Communities 2008, pp 239-243
Abi-Khattar Y, Hansen S, 2008, Web 2.0 Accessibility and Adaptation for Australian Special Needs Communities, such as Acquired Brain Injury, Iadis International Conference Web Based Communities 2008, pp 31-38
Hansen S, Davies P, Hansen C, 2008, Addressing Accessibility: Emerging User Interfaces for Second Life Communities, IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2008, pp 39-46
Aouf R, Ilic V, Hansen S, 2008, Enhancing Hyperthermic Treatment By Incorporation Of Some Molecular Dynamics (Mds) Aspects Of The Propagation Of A Phase Change Front In A Polymeric Fluid, CHT-08 ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
Aouf R, Ilic V, Hansen S, 2008, Review Of Computational Bio-Heat Transfer Modeling For Tumour Treatment, CHT-08 ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
Hansen S, “Enhancing Effective Adoption and Implementation of Web Information System Applications based on Adoption Theories” PhD Thesis, University of Western Sydney, March 2006
Aouf, S. Hansen “Video-Based Sign Language Content Annotation by Incorporation of MPEG-7 Standard” in Proceedings Web Engineering, 5th International Conference, ICWE 2005, Sydney, Australia, July 27-29, 2005 pp 232-236
Hathaway, S. Hansen, G. Salter “The Importance of Using a Unified Model to Define Adaptive Learning Environments” proc of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, August 16-18, 2004, Kauai, Hawaii, USA. ACTA Press 2004, pp242-247
Aouf, S. Hansen, G. Salter “Incorporation of multimedia data processing by making use of XML Technology” proc of ICCE2004 – International Conference on Computers in Education, Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, November 30 – December 3, 2004
Aouf and S.Hansen “Integration of Signage into the Web Environment” proc of 9th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, July 7-9 2004 pp1071-1078
S.Hansen “Web Influencing Human Web System Interactions in terms of Adoption Modeling” proc of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology ITRE, June 28-July, London Metropolitan University 2004
Publications (other)
Krawczyk L, Hansen S, Deshpande Y, 2008, The Second Life Client-Viewer: A Case Study in Using Open Source, 14th Australasian World Wide Web Conference 2008 (AUSWEB), pp 57-69
Hansen S, 2008, Web Application Development though Open Source Content Management Systems , 14th Australasian World Wide Web Conference (AUSWEB 2008), pp 49-55
S.Hansen “Web Information Systems:- The Changing Landscape of Management Models and Web Applications” proc of 14thInternational Conference of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE03), Italy, pp747-754, 2003
Deshpande, S. Murugesan, A. Ginige, S. Hansen, D. Schwabe, M.Gaedke, Bebo White “Web Engineering” Journal of Web Engineering V1, N1, pp 4-17, 2002
Deshpande, A.Ginige, S.Hansen, and S.Murugesan, “Web Engineering- a forward-looking discipline for Web-based systems” In Software, The Australian journal of Software Engineering Australia, pp31-34, April 2002
S.Hansen “’Power to the People’, ownership opportunities with Web enabled IT” proc of AUSWEB,pp144-156, 2001
Deshpande, S. Hansen, and S. Murugesan. Web Engineering: Beyond CS, IS and SE Evolutionary and Non-engineering Perspectives. In Web Engineering Managing Diversity and Complexity of Web Application Development, Springer, pp14-23, 2001
S.Hansen, Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan. A Skills Hierarchy for Web-Based Systems Development. In Web Engineering Managing Diversity and Complexity of Web Application Development. Springer, pp223-235, 2001
Murugesan, Y. Deshpande, S. Hansen, and A. Ginige.Web Engineering: A New Discipline for Development of Web-Based Systems. In Web Engineering Managing Diversity and Complexity of Web Application Development, pp,3-13, Springer 2001
S.Hansen & G.Salter, “The Adoption & Diffusion of Web Technologies into Mainstream Teaching”, Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) Special Issue:- “Where educator and programmer meet: The architecture of interactive learning environments, pp281-300, 2001
Deshpande & S.Hansen, “Web engineering: creating a discipline among disciplines” IEEE Multimedia Special issue on Web Engineering, pp82-87, 2001
S.Hansen, “Widening the Boundaries, Ownership Opportunities with Web Enabled IT”, invited keynote address at International Information Technology Conference (IITC) 2000 Conference, Sri Lanka, January 17th-19th, held in 2001
S.Hansen, “Syllabus Plus Plus!! (Timetable Display and Tutorial Registration, what we do as UWS)”, Presentation Talk at Australasian Syllabus Plus Reference Group, Canberra, October, 2001
Marmaridis & S.Hansen, “Application and platform independent storage of organisational data. Techniques, issues and concerns of secure, central data administration via the WWW” “, Proceedings of WebNet99 World Conference on the WWW and Internet, Texas, pp773-774, October 2000
S.Hansen, “Power to the People”:-Decentralising the Decision Process with Integrated Online Timetable and Tutorial Registrations, Australasian Association for Institutional Research, December 2000
Hansen &G. Salter “The Take-Up of Web Technology:-Promoting Changes in Teaching Staff and in the Institution” proc of Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Sunday 2 July to Wednesday 5 July, 2000.
Salter, P. Nanlohy, & S. Hansen “Online Discussion Groups: Strategies to Enhance Participation and Collaboration” proc of ASET-HERDSA Conference, 2000
Salter & S.Hansen “ Facilitating Web-Based Staff Development in Higher Education” proc ASET-HERDSA Conference, 2000
Sedaghat, S.Hansen, J. Pieprzyk, “Prototype Web-based On-line Enrolment system: A case study Illustrating Issues of Data Validation and Security“, Australian Association for Institutional Research, Auckland, December 1999
Salter, G. S. Hansen, “Modelling New Skills for Online Teaching “, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE), Brisbane, December 1999
S.Hansen, G.Salter & P.Davies, “The Take-Up of Web Technology:-Adoption & Diffusion into Mainstream Teaching”, Proceedings of WebNet99 World Conference on the WWW and Internet, Honolulu, October, 1999
S.Hansen, G.Salter & P.Davies, “Online Assessment with Large Classes:-Issues, Methodologies and Case Studies”, Proceedings of WebNet99 World Conference on the WWW and Internet, Honolulu, October, 1999
G.Salter, S.Hansen, P. Davies, P, “Increasing the Adoption of Online Teaching by Modeling Good Practice”, Proceedings of WebNet99 World Conference on the WWW and Internet, Honolulu, October, 1999
Salter, S.Hansen, “User-Centered Design for the Facilitation of Web-Based Teaching”, Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning Conference, Northern Territory University, Darwin, 1999, pp231-236
Hansen, Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, “Adoption of Web-Based Teaching Delivery by Staff In Educational Institutions: Issues, Strategies and a Pilot Study”, Proc of the Australian Web Conference 99 (AusWeb99), May 1999. pp 379 –396.
Murugesan, Y. Deshpande, S. Hansen and A. Ginige, “Web Engineering: A New Discipline for Web-Based System Development”,Proc First ICSE Workshop on Web Engineering, Los Angeles, 1999, pp 1-9.
Deshpande, S. Hansen and S. Murugesan, ” Web Engineering: Beyond CS, IS and SE – An Evolutionary and Non-Engineering View”, Proc First ICSE Workshop on Web Engineering, Los Angeles, 1999, pp 10-16.
Hansen, S., Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, “A Skills Hierarchy for Web Information System Development”, Proc First ICSE Workshop on Web Engineering, Los Angeles,1999, pp 106-112.
Murugesan, Y. Deshpande and S. Hansen, “On Exploiting the Potentials of the Internet and Web for Software Development and Distribution”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Networking India and the World (CNIW –98), India, 1998, pp 107 – 114.
Hansen, Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, “An Organisational Model for Successful Web Development”, Presented at the International Conference on Networking India and the World (CNIW –98), India, 1998
Hansen and Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, “Building a Successful Development Team for Web Applications: Requirements and a Skills Framework” , Presented at First International Workshop on Web Engineering,7th International World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, 1998
Hansen, Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, ” Identifying a skills hierarchy for participants in the Web Environment (The “Who needs to know what”)”, Proc of the Australian Web Conference 99 (AusWeb97), Gold Coast, May 1997.
Hansen and Y. Deshpande and S. Murugesan, “Utilising a user hierarchy in information systems development”, Proceedings of The Seventh Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 11-13 Dec 1996.
Hansen, S. Murugesan, R. Jenkins, and A. Jamdagani, “The UWS Macarthur In-House Process Plant: A Versatile Platform for Effective Teaching and Research”, Proc. Control’95 conference, Melbourne, Oct 1995, pp 525-528
Hansen, “Credit Transfer & Skill Recognition in Technology Management Courses” Invited speaker and paper in proc of National Board of Employment, Education & Training, Melbourne 1994
S.Hansen & F.Naghdy, “A Novel Use of a Vision System for Tactile Sensing” proc ICA ACME Adelaide pp271-376 1993.
S.Hansen,“Determining the Rationale & Objectives of an Integrated Technology Course:- A Case History”, proc AAEE conference Brisbane 1992
S.Hansen, “Integrating Control Technology with Management Skills” Proc 4th Conference on Control Engineering 1992
S.Hansen, “Combining Technology & Management:- The University of Western Sydney (Macarthur) Approach” , Proc of East-West Congress on Engineering Education, Jagiellonian University, Cracow Poland 1991
F. Stootman & S. Hansen “The Transducer as an Engineering Device”, Proc of 1991 Transputer and OCCAM users Conference 1991, Canberra 1991
S.Hansen & F. Naghdy “Transputer Applications in a MultiSensor Robotic Transducer”, in “The Transputer in Australasia” edited by T.Bossomair et al IOS Press pp24-32 1990
S.Hansen & F. Naghdy “Manufacturing Applications of Tactile Sensor Fusion Transducers for Robotic Grippers”, Proc 5thInternational Conference on Manufacturing Engineering,Wollongong, 1990
S.Hansen & F. Naghdy,“Sensor Fusion of Tactile & Visual Data in a Single Robotic Gripper Transducer”, Proc 4th Conference on Control Engineering, Sydney, 1990
S.Hansen, “Microprocessors and Digital Electronics” in TESIA/TETIA issues for 1979 (6 articles)
For bookings with Steve at the Bankstown location click on Dr Steve Hansen (Bankstown)